business marketing

Business marketing is one of the most important parts that your business needs to be addressed with careful attention and proactive thoughts. In last decade or so, the importance of business marketing has increased volcanically, as the advent of Internet and online business has ushered a whole new era in business. It should be noted that the competition and urgency among businessmen has increased due to the fact that Internet has rendered a whole world as a virtual world, and you never know when and from where a potential competitor has entered your territory unnoticed by you. And this is where proper business marketing strategies and sound business marketing plans play their part to make you the choicest businessman for your customers and dealers.

For successful business marketing, you need to develop a proper business marketing plan, and then gauge its performance for your business growth.

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Free visit dating site could be finding easily with the click of a button these days from all the profound search engines that you use. Especially some of those premium free dating sites that do offer you extensive additional features also for your benefits are listed below.

Make sure that you are in right place when you do want to spend some quality time. There are so many bogus cheap sites that do a lot of fraudulent activities to cheat people to gain popularity. Free dating sites have a lot of means to make money out of the regular visitors number they do increase day in and out. When the number of repeated visitors to build up to great numbers they are benefited commercially in more than a few ways, to make whole heap of money out of it. Actually the name free dating site, itself is something like bait for the fish. They do make money out of your visits, comments and interaction in their sites.

In order to ensure that you come and visit their sites regularly they will have to a lot of moral an immoral means of pulling n your attraction. This they do along with the cooperation of some cheaper whores and gigolos to entertain you. Yes it happens in a lot of free sites. You should be in a position to discreet between the right kinds of website that is suitable for your needs. Either you will need a porn site or a dating site. It is because of the fact that some of those free dating sites are really performing the tasks of those porn sites indirectly to tap in traffic.


When someone purchases a carpet or rug the last thought on their mind is how to maintain it properly. However, cleaning a wall or area rug is vital to ensure that it not only remains clean and healthy but also allergy and organism free. Steam cleaning may be the most commonly known method of carpet cleaning however it is actually only one of five possible methods. To choose the correct method various factors must be included. It is important to consider the amount of traffic the carpet or rug will endure, whether kids or pets live in the home and whether or not any of the residents have allergies. The five methods of cleaning a carpet include: steam cleaning, bonnet carpet cleaning, dry cleaning, shampooing and foam cleaning.
so going to Carpet Cleaning Tampa.
Treatment of infestation is still another area of expertise for many carpet cleaning services. Applying steam at 210 degrees will destroy fleas and their eggs and also carpet beetles.

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Do you know what it is that one thing which makes professional skincare products different from the creams most people use daily? Well, it is the powerful and effective ingredients that can add that extra glow and youth to your skin naturally.

And no, chemical laden creams cannot be considered professional skincare products at all. These products only focus on the current problem and pay absolutely no attention to the numerous side effects caused later. They are absolutely useless and are something to steer clear of.

You really need natural professional skincare product which work over a couple of months and make sure that the skin conditions are eliminated right from the root level. Consider the problem of acne for example. It is one of the most common and nastiest problems many people suffer from.

Now, a good skincare solution will contain Active Manuka Honey which is a special honey derived from Manuka bush of New Zealand. Being a premium moisturizer and emollient, it penetrates deep into the skin and gently nurtures it with all the required nourishment and hydration. The skin becomes soft, supple and healthy from inside out. Its anti oxidant and anti bacterial properties protect the skin from both free radical damage as well as microbial infections. There is thus no space left for acne to pop up on your dear skin.

blog advertising

If you've ever wondered how to use that power to your business' advantage, you're not alone. Businesses around the world use blogging in some way to increase their exposure and their sales. Many businesses have their own blogs, while others simply read blogs as a way of conducting market research.

One of the most controversial uses of blogs in business is buying blog reviews. The concept is simple enough: good reviews on other people's blogs means positive increases in your business. To gain some credibility and a loyal following, some businesses pay for bloggers to write glowing reviews about them.

Paying for blog reviews is not only about building brand recognition and exposure. It's also about gaining links and dominating the search engine results for your particular keywords.

Is buying blog reviews ethical? It depends on who you ask and how you go about it. If you are purchasing links to your site outright, you will be flagged and penalized by the search engines. This is a prohibited practice that can have extremely negative implications for you. However, if you are experiencing challenges in building brand awareness or in getting honest opinions from consumers, advertise on blogs may give you the break that you need.

Buy blog reviews

With Instagram Deal, Facebook Shows Its Worth

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase Reddit Permalink During the negotiations with Instagram, the parties framed the deal around a logical assumption: Facebook could soon trade publicly at a much higher market value. As part of the talks, the companies discussed a potential value of about $104 billion for Facebook, the people briefed on the negotiations said... Continue to read

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World's Richest Worth $1 Trillion on Billionaires Index

prince al waleed bin-talalprince al waleed bin-talal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The 40 richest individuals on Earth lost a combined $6.2 billion yesterday as stocks dropped amid disappointing U.S. earnings, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a daily ranking of the wealthiest people.
Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal joined the index, which doubled the number of billionaires it tracks yesterday. Alwaleed’s fortune has increased 18.2 percent, or $3.2 billion, this year, as shares of his Kingdom Holding Co. (KINGDOM), a diversified investment group that is planning to build the world’s tallest tower, rose 36 percent. The 57-year-old ranks 24th on the index with a net worth of $20.5 billion.
“There is no secret to success,” Alwaleed said in an e- mail sent from Saudi Arabia. “It is based on a sound investment strategy, commitment and long-term vision.”...Continue to read.

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Debt-ridden Countries IMF'd as "Euro Collapse" threat lures Bailout Buck...

Leave The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Alone

White HouseWhite House (Photo credit: HarshLight)
As the crisis in Libya and elsewhere in the Arab world continues, the oil markets have, understandably, been rocked by uncertainly and fluctuation. Here in the United States, that has led to some fairly sharp increases in the price of gasoline:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Gas prices continued to rise Monday, driven higher for nearly two weeks straight by the turmoil in Libya, with analysts expecting prices to keep climbing.
The national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline rose six tenths of a cent to $3.509, according to a daily survey by motorist group AAA.
Gas prices have increased for 13 days in a row, rising nearly 34 cents in that time.
The pain at the pump is palpable for anyone who’s had to full up their tank anytime in the last week and that’s led, inevitably, to calls for the President to “do something,”even if that something is immensely foolish:
The Obama administration is considering tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to rapidly rising gasoline prices brought on by turmoil in the Middle East, the White House chief of staff, William M. Daley, said on Sunday... Continue to read.

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Why Did These 2 Stocks Fall Flat?

NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 16:  A trader works on the...(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied sharply higher yesterday, closing above 13,000 again asearnings looked better for a number of businesses. But with the companies below going down hard, first let’s see whether they had good reason to drop. Sometimes, panic-fueled declines can make excellent buying opportunities.
The markets soared 194 points, or 1.5%, so stocks that went down by larger percentages are pretty big deals. These two stocks fell hard; let’s see if there’s anything to redeem them.
CAPS Rating (out of 5)
Friday’s Change
Telecom Argentina (NYSE: TEO  )*****(10.3%)
magicJack VocalTec (Nasdaq: CALL  )*(8.1%)
Source: Motley Fool CAPS.
What’s yours isn’t mine (anymore)
“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session,” an aphorism usually attributed to Mark Twain talking about Congress, could also be applied to certain South American countries.
No longer is it just Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez riding roughshod over the rights of business owners. Now Argentine leader Cristina Kirchner has seized the assets of Spanish oil giant YPF (NYSE:YPF  ) . If she’s willing to make an international incident out expropriating the property of a foreign company, then no private property is safe in the country, and it helps explain why Telecom Argentina is falling in the wake of the news... Continue to read.

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Layoffs, Freezes, Retirements For U.S. Public Sector

When Hell.A. Freezes OverWhen Hell.A. Freezes Over (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 More than half of local and state employees continue to work under pay freezes, while others are accelerating their retirements or facing the prospects of layoffs as the effects of the recession linger on the public sector, according to a survey released on Wednesday.
The survey of members of the International Public Management Association for Human Resourcesand the National Association of State Personnel Executives, found public employees also worry about their image.
Some 73 percent of those surveyed said the “public perception of government workers” is a top concern, more those who listed staff retention, healthcare costs and workload sizes.
When revenue collapsed during the recession, state and local governments slashed spending, often laying off workers and freezing job openings. Even though the downturn officially ended in 2009, revenue is only now inching higher in some places... Continue to read.

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U.S. Signals Comfort With IMF Bid For More Funds

Deutsch: Offizielles porträt des US-Finanzmini... Timothy Geithner (Photo credit: Wikipedia)The United States on Wednesday threw its support behind a bid to boost the International Monetary Fund's financial resources, signaling greater satisfaction among Group of 20 nations with Europe's efforts to resolve its debt crisis.

The U.S. government will not chip in more money of its own, but warm words from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for commitments by others may clear a path for G20 nations meeting this week in Washington to agree on a way to bolster the IMF's war chest.
The idea is to bulk up so the Fund so it can aid non-European countries that get caught up in the maelstrom emanating from the euro zone.

The effort to expand the IMF's coffers is expected to dominate a meeting of G20 financial officials over dinner on Thursday and during the day on Friday. It will also be front and center at the IMF's semi-annual session on Saturday... Continue to read.

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4 Cramer Dividend Stocks Poised For New Highs This Year

CNBC’s “Mad Money with Jim Cramer” came to Tul...CNBC’s “Mad Money with Jim Cramer”  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Jim Cramer of CNBC’s “Mad Money” show has been bullish on dividend stocks, and recently gave a buy rating to a few blue chip companies. Dividend stocks have been working for investors, and they have held up well in market sell-offs. When stocks saw the first “mini-correction” of 2012, just days ago, dividend stocks fared much better than others because investors are so hungry for income in a low-yield world. The Federal Reserve has promised to keep rates low for the next couple of years, so it makes sense for Cramer to stay focused on companies that have stable revenues and pay solid dividends, since they can beat savings accounts and even some bonds. Here is a closer look at some of Cramer’s favorite stocks which are likely to continue outperforming and even possibly make new 52-week highs in 2012. I would buy these stocks on pullbacks in order to... Continue to read.

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The 180 Degrees Between Warren Buffett And Steve Jobs On Cancer Disclosure

Warren BuffettWarren Buffett (Photo credit: trackrecord)
One of the most surprising elements of Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett’s disclosure Tuesday that he has stage 1 prostate cancer is how much detail he provided about his diagnosis and planned treatment, including the fact that he had a CAT scan and an MRI and when his radiation treatment will start (in July). It stands in stark contrast to the silence from Steve Jobs about his pancreatic cancer when he was diagnosed in 2003.
Of course, the two cancers could not be more different. Prostate cancer is very unlikely to kill Buffett, as he pointed out in his statement. The five year survival rate is nearly 100%, and the 10-year rate is 98%, according to the American Cancer SocietyThe stats for pancreatic cancer are much grimmer: the five year survival rate for people with stage 1A pancreatic cancer is just 14%. It’s arguably much easier to be upfront with news that, in terms of cancer, is relatively positive... Continue to read.

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Tips & News

U.S. is outlier in push to boost IMF resources
Spain-Argentina oil spat jeopardizes special, century-old relationship, could ...
Natural Gas Falls to 10-Year Low
Domestic Demand Should Keep U.S. Factories Busy
German 2012 GDP Forecast Gets a Boost
France Sells $10.5 Billion of Debt as Election Risks Drive Yields Higher
Japan’s Fastest Export Growth in Year Boosts Outlook for Recovery: Economy
China’s Central Bank to Ensure Adequate Availability of Cash, Xinhua Says
Brazil Signals Key Rate May Fall to Record on Global Fragility
BoE’s King ‘Like a Tyrant,’ Blanchflower Says in New Statesman
EU Needs Stronger CO2 Market, Germany’s Reiche Says

IMF Sees Bank Deleveraging By US$2.6 tn.

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the In...Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (Photo credit: European Council)
European banks look set to shrink their balance sheets by $2.6tn (€2tn) over the next 18 months, with a quarter of the deleveraging likely to come from cuts in lending, according to the International Monetary Fund.
In its Global Financial Stability Report, published on Wednesday, the fund warned that, unless officials stepped up their policy response, European banks would dump almost 7 per cent of their assets by the end of next year. It expects most of the deleveraging to come from sales of securities and non-core assets.
However, the fund also sees credit supply shrinking by 1.7 per cent as banks rein in lending to businesses and households.
The fund’s forecasts are the most comprehensive assessment to date of the likely impact of the struggling European banking sector’s efforts to right itself, and they predict a larger scale of deleveraging than previously anticipated...Continue to read.

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5 Biotech Stocks Ready To Rise On New Treatments

Logo of the Biotechnology Industry Organization.Logo of the Biotechnology Industry Organization. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I believe one of the keys to smart biotech investing is to focus on companies that are treating chronic diseases. Instead of looking to cure something, the treatments developed and marketed by these companies will help patients manage symptoms. This ensures long-term success and allows you to invest your money in a company that is protecting its own security. There are five standout companies in the biotech industry that I consider the best bets for those who want a long term, steady earner.
The first company I have been watching for awhile is Human Genome Sciences (HGSI). The company is poised to make a big splash in 2012, due to its focus on treatments that will affect the baby boomer generation. The company reached a 52-week high of $30 per share at one point, but plummeted to just $6 per share in the last year. The price is currently around... Continue to read.

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Silver Shortage This Decade, Silver Will Be Worth More Than Gold -Future...

3 Powerful Tips To make Passive Income Online For Life

Percent of households with 2+ income earners, ...Percent of households with 2+ income earners, and full-time workers by income. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Have you heard that you can make passive income online and wish to do this for yourself? Before you start any passive income business you have to find out a few effective tips that will help you easily generate a passive income for the rest of your life.
There is no better business to start than a passive income business when you want to make an income that will last your whole life. Before you can begin earning an income with any passive income opportunity, you have to learn the following tips to help you make it successful.
1. Carefully select your passive income business – There are many passive income opportunities on the internet these days, but not all of them will be right for you. It is important that you take time to really look at and select the passive business that you can get excited about... Continue to read.

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Why Warren Buffett Revealed That He Has Prostate Cancer

Warren Buffett speaking to a group of students...Warren Buffett speaking to a group of students from the Kansas University School of Business (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Despite his folksy manner, Warren Buffett is not a man who likes to share intimate details of his life. So that makes his April 17 announcement that he has early-stage prostate cancer all the more intriguing. After all, as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway stated, his doctors say the condition is “not remotely life-threatening or even debilitating in any meaningful way.”  In fact, he stressed in the release, “I feel great — as if I were in my normal excellent health — and my energy level is 100 percent.”  He has a point: By the age of 80, about 80 percent of men have some cancer cells in their prostate gland, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. If Buffett is like most men his age, he’s more likely to die with prostate cancer than from it.
So why bother? The answer, most likely, is to squash rumors that something more serious is going on.  His disclosure is less an acknowledgement of his mortality than of his celebrity. As an investor whose every move is analyzed by people around the planet, the likelihood that Buffett could undergo two months of radiation therapy without anyone noticing is remote, if not impossible... Continue to read.

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Argentina and YPF: The Oil War

Logotype of the former Yacimientos Petrolífero...Logotype of the former Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Sociedad del Estado (State Society). This image is not subject to copyright law in its country of origin (Argentina), but to trademark law. According to article 5 of Law 22362, rights over the trademark are extinct. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
First make the company unprofitable by price controls, then blackmail it by revoking its concessions, then steal it – that seems to have been the playbook of Argentina's government regarding YPF Repsol.
President Christina Fernandez-Kirchner noted in her press conference on the seizure that
Argentina will manage YPF “professionally,” Fernandez said, adding that the country is one of the few that doesn’t control its own oil.
Deputy Economy Minister Axel Kicillof will help De Vido to run the company, according to Fernandez.
Argentina is expropriating YPF for the “public good,” a government official said in yesterday’s speech.
By this she means: Argentina is one of the few countries where the oil industry was not yet fully nationalized, as if that were a bad thing. The reality of the situation is that the high share of government control all over the world over the oil industry has created a major supply problem, as governments can not possibly 'manage oil companies professionally'. As all state-owned enterprises, nationalized oil firms are inefficient and wasteful – they are not businesses, they are bureaucracies. To wit, a bureaucrat – the deputy economy minister – will now 'help to run the company'... Continue to read

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