The 180 Degrees Between Warren Buffett And Steve Jobs On Cancer Disclosure

Warren BuffettWarren Buffett (Photo credit: trackrecord)
One of the most surprising elements of Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett’s disclosure Tuesday that he has stage 1 prostate cancer is how much detail he provided about his diagnosis and planned treatment, including the fact that he had a CAT scan and an MRI and when his radiation treatment will start (in July). It stands in stark contrast to the silence from Steve Jobs about his pancreatic cancer when he was diagnosed in 2003.
Of course, the two cancers could not be more different. Prostate cancer is very unlikely to kill Buffett, as he pointed out in his statement. The five year survival rate is nearly 100%, and the 10-year rate is 98%, according to the American Cancer SocietyThe stats for pancreatic cancer are much grimmer: the five year survival rate for people with stage 1A pancreatic cancer is just 14%. It’s arguably much easier to be upfront with news that, in terms of cancer, is relatively positive... Continue to read.

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