New Winning Portfolio

When we decided to make this blog, we wanted to shares with you, valuable information of the stock market. We believe that the information and knowledge we had gained in many years, were to be useful to many people.

Wall Street is surrounded by many mysteries and myths too. In USA and the rest of the world there are thousands or millions of people somehow involved in the market. Whether buying stocks, bonds, options, futures or any other value. You may acquire a participation in a mutual fund, a hedge fund or an ETF.

There are many reasons why people invest in the stock market. Some people want to become millionaires. There are other people who want to save for retirement. There are also people looking to earn additional income, increase their wealth, buying a house or car. Or just to save to pay for college for their children or go on vacation.

All these reasons are valid an honest. All of them generate expectations and move softy emotions. Usually, involve resources (money) hard earned over many years.

So, Andrew Carnegie's phrase "No man can become rich without himself enriching others", was formed in the engine to guide our decisions.

Many people who invest in the stock market are exposed to many dangers. The lack of good information and knowledge is the source of many errors in the time to invest your money. But there is also misinformation or information "concerned" that leads people to make mistakes.

Under these circumstances, Stock Tips Investment, sought from the outset, disseminating quality information to help people make their investment decisions. In this way, we try to analyze the market situation periodically. One of the most common mistakes the people, is to start their investments at wrong time. That translates into lost quickly.

We also began to publish our three candidates "long positions", the three candidates for "short positions" and the "breakout of the day". All this with the intention that any one could benefit from well analyzed stocks.

I must admit that the response from readers was very positive, receiving numerous comments and suggestions. Understood that while this information was valuable, did not respond to the needs of many of our readers. One could take a position on some of theses stocks. But from that moment, could feel they were alone and had no more elements to make their decisions to sell or maintain their positions.

Given this situation, we decided to incorporate two portfolios. One portfolio that has a high rotation of their stocks. An another portfolio aimed at people who have a medium-term vision. In both cases, daily monitoring these portfolios, reporting any changes arising.

At that time, we feel that we were responding to the needs of many people who wanted to participate in the stock market. People that lack of knowledge or time, it is very hard to make their investment decisions. With these two portfolios, everything is very clear.

However, people have different "profiles" when deciding their investments. In recent weeks, we have received numerous communications, asking us the preparation of portfolios other than the two mentioned above.

One of the most repeated suggestions, is to make a portfolio with stocks that we announced in our section of "Breakouts". So, today we are pleased to announce that we have developed a portfolio made up only with this type of stocks. Below, we present the firs report of this portfolio, which has been requested by many readers of our blog.

I would like to inform you that we are working on other additional portfolios requested by our readers. In the coming weeks, we will presenting this new investment alternatives.

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