Three Down Trend Stocks: ADTN - WAG - VCI

Tuesday was undoubtedly a special day. In the previous days, many Investors and Traders expressed concern over the situation of the market. It was hard to keep it growing. The low volumes recorded, the low growth in the companies earnings, and the perception of an intervention by the FED and the ECB on the market, created uncertainty.

Yesterday, the day began with a certain enthusiasm for the macroeconomic news. The market opened up (as happened in earlier days) and remained in positive territory with low volumes (as happened in earlier days) until three in the afternoon. At that time, the market positively interpret the manifestation of the FED and jump to close at the highest level of the day and of the year.

Our Stock Picks System found only 10 stocks (from a list of 116 candidates) that closed in negative territory. In fact, none of these stocks showed a very negative behavior. However, we present three of these stocks.

Adtran Inc. (ADTN).- Price: US$ 31.30 (Var: -1.20%). Volume: 1.84 Millions of shares (daily MA: 1.05M). Good fall with high volume. Its ready to go to new low. Is short term oversold. 
Walgreen Co.  (WAG).- Price: US$ 33.25 (Var: - 1.13%). Volume: 7.70 Millions of shares (daily MA: 9.98M). Its only one day reversal.
Valassis Communications Inc.  (VCI).- Price: US$ 23.25 (Var: - 1.06%). Volume: 1.48 Millions of shares (daily MA: 991K). A little fall with nice volume. 

Free Down Trend Stock Picks includes three stocks that have experienced daytime significant price falls. These stocks have been selected from a list includes stocks that have shown the worst performance of the last 52 weeks.This means these are stocks with a medium-term downward trend.

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